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The TEM Remove utility will allow you to run each of the uninstallers for the TEM components and then remove all the left-over data (TEM database, user interface settings, etc.) from a computer.

Usage: besremove.exe [/silent] [/component]

component has one of the following values:

· all - remove all TEM components

· server - remove the TEM Server

· console - remove the TEM Console

· client - remove the TEM Client

· msde - remove the MSDE 2000 installation that was installed with the TEM Server

· generator - remove the TEM Installation Generator

· relay - remove the TEM Relay

Warning: TEM Remove will remove all of the TEM data from the file system, database, and registry. This data is not recoverable.

Note: If you are using SQL Server 2000 (instead of MSDE 2000), your databases will not be removed automatically. To delete the database, use the SQL Server Enterprise Manager to delete the 'BFEnterprise' and 'BESReporting' database.